Introduction To Global Health

Introduction To Global Health

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Introduction To Global Health Book Descriptions

Introduction to Global Health, Second Edition, is a comprehensive look at today’s most critical global health issues. Unlike other texts of its kind, this book emphasizes possible solutions to global health concerns rather than just focusing on the problems. The author examines the socioeconomic, biological, and environmental causes and consequences of disease. Topics covered include infectious diseases, nutrition, maternal health, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mental health, and injuries. The chapters also explore global health metrics, ethics and human rights, policies, and practices The Second Edition is a thorough revision that offers expanded coverage of health across the lifespan, from childhood to young adulthood to aging (with additional coverage of NCDs, injuries, and mental health issues), as well as new coverage of health issues during humanitarian crises and health issues related to human rights. Key Features: • Emphasizes possible solutions to global health concerns rather than just focusing on the problems. • Discussion questions in each chapter help students to reflect on and apply the material from the chapter. • Student companion website offers additional activities to engage the students in learning. Instructor Resources: Instructors Manual, PowerPoint, Test Bank Student Resources: Companion Website

  • Sales Rank: #190196 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Jones Bartlett Learning
  • Published on: 2013-02-21
  • Original language:
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x
    6.00" w x
    1.25" l,
    1.20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 404 pages


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Introduction To Global Health Book Download PDF

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Introduction to Global Health Promotion addresses a breadth and depth of public health topics that students and emerging professionals in the field must understand as ,Find great deals on eBay for introduction to global health. Shop with confidence.,Introduction to Global Health, Third Edition, is a comprehensive look at todays most critical global health issues. Unlike other texts of its kind, this book ,An Introduction to Global Health and Global Health Ethics: A Brief History of Global Health By M. A. Palilonis Learning Objectives: 1. Identify population-level and ,GLOBAL HEALTH Kathryn H. Jacobsen, MPH, PhD Department of Global and Community Health George Mason University Fairfax, VA Introduction to S E C O N D E D I T I O N,Introducing Global Health: Practice, Policy, and Solutions is a contemporary overview of the major issues in global public Introduction: An Overview of Global ,Introduction to Global Health addresses all the key issues of global health at a level that is basic enough for undergraduate students from a variety of majors and ,With a unique emphasis on possible solutions to world health problems, this book addresses all the key issues of global health at a level basic enough that students ,Available in: Paperback. Introduction to Global Health, Second Edition, is a comprehensive look at todays most critical global health issues. Unlike,Introduction to Global Health is a comprehensive look at todays most critical global health concerns and the actions that people around the world are taking to


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