A Short Course in Medical Terminology
A Short Course in Medical Terminology Book Descriptions
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Master the medical terminology you need for your future career with A Short Course in Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition and its accompanying back-of-the-book and online resources. Using a concise mnemonic approach, this book shows you how to memorize word parts and use word building to learn medical terminology. The book covers terminology related to structure and function, diseases and disorders, abbreviations, medical specialties (including pharmacology), and health professions.
Mastery of key terms is easy with the book’s hundreds of fun and engaging in-text, , and online exercises, including new flashcard and audio pronunciationactivities, crossword puzzles, Hangman, medical case record and spelling bee questions, figure labeling exercises, and true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple choice exercises.
- Connect what you are learning to clinical practice with redesigned Case Studies that highlight the role medical terminology plays in communication.
- Easily master medical terminology with a wide variety of exercises integrated into the narrative for fun and efficient practice.
- Reinforce your understanding with the book’s concise and user-friendly approach, logical organization, and study tables that summarize chapter terms in an easy-to-reference format
- Increase your mastery with Word Sense features that highlight fun facts about medical or easily confused terms.
- Increase your understanding of word parts, definitions, and abbreviations with Word Elements and Abbreviations tables.
- Check your understanding of key terms with Chapter Quizzes.
- Take your learning beyond the book with the wide range of online resources, including hundreds of exercises and games, an English to Spanish Audio Pronunciation Guide, animations that bring concepts to life, and more.
- Sales Rank: #46375 in Books
- Brand: imusti
- Published on: 2013-11-07
- Original language:
English - Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.04" h x
.68" w x
7.03" l,
1.77 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 468 pages
- Lippincott Williams Wilkins
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