Child Health Nursing (3rd Edition) (Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families)
Child Health Nursing (3rd Edition) (Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families) Book Download PDF Rating : Child Health Nursing (3rd Edition) (Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families) Book Descriptions This extensively-updated text is designed to promote excellence in pediatric nursing care, in both acute care settings and in the community. CHILD HEALTH NURSING, 3/e focuses on helping students synthesize new knowledge, apply evidence-based findings, collaborate with children, families, and other healthcare professionals, and use clinical reasoning to plan superior care. It views families as integral participants in all care, and recognizes that all children need health promotion and maintenance interventions, wherever they seek care or whatever conditions they are experiencing. This edition uses current NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and Healthy People 2