Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 12e

Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 12e

Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 12e Book Download PDF

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Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 12e Book Descriptions

Get fast access to important diagnostic tests and procedures with Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference, 12th Edition by Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy J. Pagana, and Theresa N. Pagana. In this bestselling handbook, concise test entries are arranged alphabetically and reflect the latest in research and diagnostic testing. Each test entry includes vital information such as type of test, alternate or abbreviated test names, test explanation, normal and abnormal findings, possible critical values, contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and patient care. To simplify lookup, related tests are cross-referenced. A compact size, durable cover, and A-to-Z thumb tabs make this book ideal for quick reference on the job.

  • Alphabetically organized tests offer quick reference with A-to-Z thumb tabs, so you’ll never have to search for a test by having to first determine its correct category or body system.
  • UNIQUE!Each test entry begins on anew page, making tests easy to find.
  • User’s Guide to Test Preparation and Performance provides an overview and guidelines for each type of laboratory test and diagnostic procedure, so you can minimize worry about having to repeat a test due to an error.
  • Normal findings for adult (male and female), elderly, and pediatric patients are included where applicable.
  • Increased and decreasedabnormal findings are highlighted with directional arrows.
  • Possible critical values are highlighted to alert you to situations requiring immediate intervention.
  • Patient care sections provide step-by-step instructions for care before, during, and after the test.
  • Symbol next todrug-related interfering factors alerts you to the effects of pharmacologic agents on tests.
  • Lists of tests by body system and test type make it easy to cross-reference related studies.
  • Abbreviationsfor tests are listed in the front and the back of the book, and symbols and units of measurement are listed in an appendix.
  • A durable cover with round edges helps prevent the book from being damaged and makes it easier to handle.
  • UPDATED coverage reflects current research relating to accuracy of testing, diagnostic values of results, and the patient care and education associated with each test.
  • 14 NEW test entries present the latest tests and procedures with an emphasis on new, more affordable (and thus more common) genetic tests.

  • Sales Rank: #25630 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-10-27
  • Original language:
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.75" h x
    4.75" w x
    1.50" l,
    .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 1104 pages

Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 12e Book Download PDF

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